Equity Compensation Planning & Investment Management


Family with equity comp?


Our sweet spot is working with people between the ages of 35-45, often with young kids, hiring a financial advisor for the first time.


Are we a good fit for each other?

We take time in advance with each prospective client to understand your needs, expectations, and goals. If either you or we feel that your needs might be better met elsewhere, we’ll take the time to try and help you find an advisor who is your cup of tea.

Resource Design, Inc. is a fee-only firm, which means we derive all of our revenues from fees. We do not sell products or earn commissions, and we aren’t affiliated with any particular fund company. We don’t earn extra money by recommending certain mutual funds, ETFs, or any other financial product.

Our happiest clients:

  • Want someone else to manage their investments and for them.

  • Are looking for a proactive advisor who keeps track of their portfolio and financial metrics, and contacts them periodically to check in or if changes need to be made.

  • Value a high level of service and a good relationship with their advisor.

  • Are looking for a long-term, ongoing relationship with their investment advisor.


Let’s chat.

Our Intro Call is a quick, casual convo to see if we’re a good match. Tell me a little bit about what’s going on in your financial life and what you hope to get out of a planning relationship.

Book a 15-Minute Intro Call with Matt ▸